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Episode 13

Australia, Part 2

Mike Nemesvary and the Round The World Challenge Virtual Tour continues into Australia.

Director: Gordon Carson
Co-Director and Editor: Derek Prosser
Cameraman: Jamie DeRoy
Production Assistant: Mary Anne McPhee
Music: John Eaves
Host: Mike Nemesvary

‘Round the World Challenge – 20th Anniversary Virtual Tour:

The Challenge was never about me … it is about US and what we ALL can do to help our brothers and sisters with disabilities worldwide. Let me remind you that “TAB’s” stands for “Temporarily Able Bodied”! You never know if and when YOU are the next person to break your neck or back and have to live the rest of your life with the profound repercussions of a spinal cord injury.
(click on map to enlarge view)

Photos : Australia Part 2

Round The World Challenge - Episode 4
July 21, 2001
The RWC Team pulled over to take in the magnificent view of out-croppings and the River Valley, Near Katherine, Northern Territories, Australia
Round The World Challenge - Episode 4
July 25, 2001
stopped at a Roadhouse to rest and had a friendly visit from a 3 year old female camel and donkey! One week earlier, this was the infamous location where a young British couple were mysteriously abducted; the woman escaped but the man was never found, 300 KMS South of Renner Springs, Northern Territories, Australia
Round The World Challenge - Episode 4
July 27, 2001
Mike and Phil poses on “Uluru” – “Ayers Rock”
Round The World Challenge - Episode 4
August 13, 2001
Student body watches Mike’s presentation “Truscotte Street School”, Ryde, Sydney, Australia
Round The World Challenge - Episode 4
August 13 2001
Mike gives truck demonstration to Ivan Petch, Mayor of Ryde, Leanne Mundy, and guests outside “Truscotte Street School”, Ryde, Sydney, Australia
Round The World Challenge - Episode 4
August 19 2001
Reception at Canadian High Commission (Back row L-R) Canadian High Commissioner, Peter Mundy and wife Leanne, George, (Front row L-R), Sharon Phiney (Coordinator), Christine, Mike & Barbara (Head of Canada/Australia Club), Sydney, Australia

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Can Help

‘Round The World Challenge

Your donations are what help keep us going. Our continued challenge relies on your support to turn these goals into reality.