‘Round the World Challenge – 20th Anniversary Virtual Tour:
The Challenge was never about me … it is about US and what we ALL can do to help our brothers and sisters with disabilities worldwide. Let me remind you that “TAB’s” stands for “Temporarily Able Bodied”! You never know if and when YOU are the next person to break your neck or back and have to live the rest of your life with the profound repercussions of a spinal cord injury.
(click on map to enlarge view)
Photos : France and Switzerland

Sonny Schonbachler – The First Olympic Freestyle Aerials Gold Medalist Arrives Home in Switzerland!

Sonny executing a perfect “Full/Double Full/Full” [Quadruple Twisting – Triple Back Flip] Stuck It Winning The Gold!

Dr. Michael Baumberger – Chief Medical Dr., Spinal Cord Medicine & Rehabilitation – Swiss Paraplegic Centre